A 9/11 Anomaly – Weather

September 7, 2019. On this day 18 years ago Hurricane Erin was making its way northeast toward New York City. It would pause off the coast of New York on 9/11, then turn due east and head north again. Did you hear about it? At all? I didn’t think so. Yet under the circumstances it …

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The Awakening – Quelling Fake News

Non-Elite Humans Are Daring To Create Their Own Narratives excerpt from ZeroHedge (all formatting left intact)… Before we dissect what’s really going on, allow me to point out the glaringly obvious, which is that politicians, pundits, mass media and the U.S. military don’t actually care about the societal harm of fake news or conspiracy theories. We know …

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The Most Powerful Gas in the Known Universe

I was listening to a debate between two “Climate Scientists” three weeks ago. One believed in Global Warming – AND that it was caused by man. The other did not. Regarding the composition of Earth’s atmosphere, they agreed that nitrogen gas accounts for about 78%. Oxygen is about 21% and argon is just less than …

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Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012

Renewed and “Modernized” in 2012, the Smith-Mundt Act officially made it okay for the United States government to use propaganda on its own population. This wouldn’t be a surprise to many, except that it is now institutionalized. H.R.5736 – 112th Congress (2011-2012): Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress It would …

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Facebook Granted Patent for Shadowbanning

Even though they supposedly do not engage in this practice, Facebook was recently granted a patent on the process of doing so. This practice is one of the main reasons for the initial creation of this site. This, and so-called Hate Speech, and nebulous Community Guidelines that they refuse to quantify, and 50+ genders nonsense, …

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The Nature of “News” Today

An excellent interview by Sean at SGT Report. His guests are Donald Jeffries and John Barbour. Those who are skeptical about what is called “news” today may especially appreciate this one. Just one example is the El Paso shooting being accidentally reported before it even happened. High Strangeness & Epstein 49:03 – SGT Report Keeping …

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Beyond Bizarro World – Scene 2

Headline: Salon Forced to Close After Refusing to Wax Transgender Woman’s Male Genitalia No, I am not making this up. Author Tom Clancy once said that the difference between fiction and reality is that fiction had to make sense. And here we are. From “bake my cake” to “wax my balls” — that didn’t take …

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Proles and animals are free

Has anyone else noticed that lots of things you used to find easily on a Google search are now nowhere to be found? I saw the beginnings of this many years ago, but it was just one thing here, or another one there… pretty rare, and just subtle enough to make you question the details …

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Nextcloud on Linux working superbly

After many weeks of thinking about it I finally got Nextcloud installed on both my Linux systems last evening. It is working flawlessly so far. Nextcloud is backup and file syncing software, but it is more than that. I finally moved all my systems to Linux two years ago after many years of experimenting with …

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Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 4

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 4 – The New Atlantis 31:47 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 3

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 3 – Exiles of Atlantis 29:08 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 2

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 2 – Sons of the Dragon 14:08 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 1

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 1 – What’s in a Name? 10:18 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Racism Test

How to tell if you are a Racist: Place small mirror under your nose. Breathe normally. Remove mirror. See test results below. Results: 1. Mirror is fogged. You are a racist. 2. Mirror is not fogged. You are dead. You are no longer a racist. Foolproof. Works for all ages. Patent Pending

Gad Saad on the Zeitgeist of Lunacy

Gad Saad on why it is important to document and capture the Zeitgeist of Lunacy that presently occupies the culture. Every now and then a video from Gad Saad will catch my eye. I will get an update on some new aspect of the culture I had missed. He endlessly notes the lunacy, hypocrisy, and …

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Woe unto them that call evil good…

woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil… I came across an article by the Washington Post from last year that said “the Trump immigration plan could keep whites in U.S. majority for up to five more years.” And??? Is there something strange about the fact that Whites are PRESENTLY the majority in …

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Daily News — 2019-0701

This was an experiment to see whether it was reasonable to post a “Journal” page occasionally. It uses way too much overhead, due to the (6) videos. So much for that. I leave it here for now, although I do return occasionally to tweak or delete pages that in retrospect add nothing to the site. …

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An Identitarian’s Shocking DNA Test

This is what happens when your identity is based on race. Some of the comments are priceless, from needing to revoke her n-word pass to her white privilege card arriving in 8 to 10 business days. Perhaps the best one of all makes note of who it was that was most obsessed with race… oh …

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Propaganda Sold as News

Operation Mockingbird alive and well in Europe. The CIA controls the news. European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure – German Journalist 13:22 – Published by RT on 18 October 2014 German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, adding that …

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Patriotism is the Religion of Hell

This is one of my favorite quotes, yet I hesitated to post it to my spacebook wall for many years. I post it here as I finally posted it there a couple months ago, and will follow up with more thoughts below… I fear this will be misunderstood by most, even the ones who at …

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Heather MacDonald with Mark Levin

MacDonald has been an avid speaker on the topics of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ for a number of years. Author of The Diversity Delusion, she breaks down the rise of intolerance on the Left, which is largely who runs our colleges now. Heather MacDonald warns US colleges are breeding hate 15:01 – Mark Levin – 2018-12-02 …

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