The Most Toxic Food Product There Is

It has been said that the food industry in this country would literally feed you cardboard if they could get away with it. You may be surprised to learn that in fact it is already known how much sawdust they can put in snack treats before you notice the difference — about 15%. Your body …

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Inorganic Behavior – “Astroturfing”

I have noted for some time the inauthentic nature of many of the so-called movements and causes we see today. Unnaturally borne. Poorly thought out and, to me at least, so plainly manufactured. Inorganic I have called them, wondering why people are so easily persuaded and convinced. We find ourselves today in the midst of …

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Debunking Virology – Three Doctors Talk Facts

Having read Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World years ago, and merging it with Orwell’s 1984, perhaps it was easy to see that the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ was potentially nothing more than social engineering on a grand scale. Social engineering for fun and profit. It had been easy in 2011, once evidence had been provided, to recognize …

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PSYOP The Steal – Official Documentary

Talk about theater. What if almost everything you thought you knew was actually fake? Would you call bullshit? Would you hold those responsible to account? Those who make their way through the following 84 minutes will have a much more comprehensive understanding of current events, including the “Capitol Riot.” 1:24:21 – Millie Weaver – 23 …

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The Unwelcome Return…

The Unwelcome Return of the Real Purveyors of Violence Courtesy of Ron Paul – 18 Jan 2021 With the mainstream media still obsessing about the January 6th “violent coup attempt” at the US Capitol Building, the incoming Biden Administration looks to be chock full of actual purveyors of violent coups. Don’t look to the mainstream …

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Joe Biden – The Super-Candidate

This article from The Federalist had fun noting some of the many anomalies associated with the last election. Enjoy. 5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms By J.B. Shurk – 23 Nov 2020 Surely the journalist class should be intrigued by the historic implausibility of Joe Biden’s victory. That they are not is …

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Advocating Lockdowns – Complicit in Murder

What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns 9:08 – James Corbett – 24 Nov 2020 TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES “If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most …

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The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated

Maker of COVID-Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated 4:34 – GE Griffin – 21 Nov 2020 Note that the audio player defaults to FULL volume. Be prepared to turn it down once clicking Play. Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told Canadian government officials in Alberta during a phone conference that the coronavirus pandemic …

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Dr. Judy Mikovits – Plague of Corruption

Posted here for a friend, this is a repost from the CRISIS-19-Public group – the original first post in fact, on 04 Apr 2020. This interview was done in late March of 2020, but is as relevant as ever today. Dr. Judy Mikovits with Sarah Westall – podcasts Note that the audio player defaults to …

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The Perfect Storm of Stupid

What is “The Great Reset”? With James Delingpole 33:23 – Paul Joseph Watson – 14 Nov 2020

Thoughts on the Election – 2020

“The role of declaring a winner of a presidential election in the U.S. falls to the news media.” — The New York Times Really? Since when? For those who do not know, it doesn’t matter what the news media says. The election is not over until the results have been officially certified by the states. …

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How Washington DC Really Works

11:57 – Black Pigeon Speaks – 28 Oct 2020 (BitChute video; You may use your computer’s Up and Down arrows to control the volume.) “In poor countries it’s called a bribe. In the US it’s called lobbying.” Not a single Congressperson writes the laws they lobby for and pass. They are written by the Special …

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The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, & Identity

34:18 – Eric Metaxas – 26 Oct 2020 I copied here part of the transcript, starting around 21:15, that I think is particularly meaningful in today’s socio-political climate. For the sake of context, note that besides being British, Murray is both gay and an atheist. “I don’t wish to be rude to the country I’m …

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Mask People are Sheeple

A fun and well done video. Note the Georgia Guidestones shown prominently throughout. 3:52 – Media Bear – A redo of Depeche Mode’s song People are People from 1984. Georgia Guidestones A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each …

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9/11 Suspects – Documentary – James Corbett

1:13:20 – The Corbett Report – 2016 Note that the video may start at full volume. You may want to reduce the volume before clicking play. 9/11 Suspects (Full Documentary | 2016) : The Corbett Report In 2016, The Corbett Report released the 9/11 Suspects series in individual installments. Now, as we approach the 19th anniversary of …

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Geoengineering – Solar Radiation Management

Courtesy of Greg Hunter – West Coast wildfires, wild temperature swings and hurricanes in the Gulf are all part of the consequences of man-made weather modification called Geoengineering. Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says, “People need to unite in the fight against climate engineering because it’s killing us all. . . . If we …

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Plandemic 2 – InDoctorNation

Have not yet compiled notes on this and welcome the help of anyone who would like to do so. I wanted to at least get this published here to the main blog. 1:15:30 – Plandemic Documentary Series – 18 Aug 2020 Note that the up and down arrows on your keyboard will (or should) adjust …

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A Multiverse of Truths

“We choose truth over facts.” — Joe Biden We might assume that this was just another Biden gaffe, and it probably was, but it speaks also perhaps to a larger problem, that of myriad “truths.” “Your truth, my truth, their truth.” This was always and ever sophistry, and I assumed that this was self-evident to …

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Ryan Dawson on Slavery and The Civil War

Facts that you will not hear today about slavery, the North and the South, Lincoln, the railroads, the Civil War, and more… 10:42 – ANC Report – 28 Jul 2020

Don’t Do Your Own Research!!!

Courtesy of James Corbett 26:06 – Corbett Report – 2020-08-05 Note: Player Defaults to FULL volume. You probably want to turn it down before clicking play. Description: Do your own research! Read it for yourself! It’s in the show notes! How many times have I uttered these words? These exhortations represent the founding ethos of …

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Notes on Men and Fathers in Society…

This is from an interview I listened to last January of Denise McAllister at the studio of Eric Metaxas in New York. It is about 18 minutes in. This was so well said, I thought, that I scratched it down. Maybe a few others will find it meaningful as well. “This is why we now …

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Stop Being So Afraid of Everything

Tucker Carlson mistakenly believes that we pay the Congress to “run the country.” Like hell we do, and we should put an end to this ignorance as quickly as possible. We absolutely do NOT want, need, or intend to have a group of people made up largely of CRIMINALS and SOCIOPATHS running this country. WE …

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History may not repeat, but it often rhymes…

This is what happens when market values are determined using Monopoly money. There is no alchemy here, and there’s nothing to miss. This is simply ‘irrational exuberance’ squared. Which Part Of “You Get Nothing” Isn’t Clear? | Zero Hedge By Bloomberg’s Rick Green and Madeleine Ngo The warning to shareholders of newly bankrupt Ascena Retail …

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