These Little Ones

Millions of children vanish in the United States each year. 83,000 each month. 2,700 a day. 115 per hour. 1 every thirty seconds. Where do they all go? 56:03 – Stew Peters Network – 01 Aug 2022 “It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown …

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Died Suddenly

When they tell us that depopulation is their main agenda, why do we not believe them? 1:08:21 – Stew Peters Network – 21 Nov 2022 It is an ancient conversation… “You may not harm them.” “Then I will beguile them into harming themselves.” “They must have access to knowledge of the truth.” “I will tell …

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Paradise Stolen – Parts 5-6

Episode 5 – Why We Are Poor 10:02 – Stefan Verstappen – 26 Feb 2016 Episode 6 – The Value of Money 4:49 – Stefan Verstappen – 29 May 2018

Paradise Stolen – Parts 1-4

Episode 1 – Don’t Show Your Children 5:37 – Stefan Verstappen – 30 Jan 2015 Episode 2 – The Myth of Efficiency 6:06 – Stefan Verstappen – 21 Feb 2021 “There was abundance in the Colonies, and peace was reigning on every border. It was difficult, and even impossible, to find a happier and more …

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The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music

TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2012 “The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation” Hello, After more than 20 years, I’ve finally decided to tell the world what I witnessed in 1991, which I believe was one of the biggest turning point in popular music, and ultimately American society. I have struggled for a …

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More Transgender Histrionics

Too ridiculous for even the Twilight Zone… Actor John Cleese was recently excoriated on Twitter for saying that he still did not understand what the deal was with trans people. He is 81 years old, and he is unable to get his mind around it — the concept of ‘transgenderism’. For context, note that as …

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Woke Teacher Tells Protesters to Kill Themselves

Video: Teacher Goes on Unhinged Rant Telling Lockdown Protesters “Kill Yourself!” Published 7 December, 2020 Paul Joseph Watson A video clip out of Oregon shows a teacher screaming at lockdown protesters concerned about business closures, telling them, “kill yourself!” The incident occurred during a demonstration in Bend, Oregon yesterday at which protesters expressed their opposition …

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Do Sociopaths Run Our Voting Systems?

The short answer is that they appear to run at least some of it. I have had this tab from The Gateway Pundit open in my browser since mid-November, wondering whether I would post part of it here. I do so now. Notable in this case is that this sociopath actually believes himself to be an …

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Archbishop Vigano – The Great Reset

This Letter to the President, written by Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, was brought to my attention by a friend. I thought it was particularly well written. I post it here not for religious purposes per se, but for the truth it exposes about the so-called Great Reset into which all the people of the …

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9/11 Suspects – Documentary – James Corbett

1:13:20 – The Corbett Report – 2016 Note that the video may start at full volume. You may want to reduce the volume before clicking play. 9/11 Suspects (Full Documentary | 2016) : The Corbett Report In 2016, The Corbett Report released the 9/11 Suspects series in individual installments. Now, as we approach the 19th anniversary of …

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Troll Dolls – A World Run by Pedophiles

Every Parent Should Know This is Happening – Enough is Enough 9:27 – Really Graceful Rolling Stone: ‘Trolls’ Poppy Doll Goes Viral Thanks to QAnon Conspiracy Theorists Fact Check: DreamWorks Giggle ‘n Sing Poppy Troll Doll NOT Designed To Groom Young Children For Pedophiles, But Hasbro Is Discontinuing The Toy After Up[r]oar

CONTRALAND – Child Sex Trafficking in America

Am posting this here to make this link available to all visitors. This documentary was done by Craig “Sawman” Sawyer of Veterans for Child Rescue. It is about human trafficking and how pervasive is the sexual exploitation of the children in this country. It’s free. Please watch it, wake up, and tell others. Click the …

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Godless America Builds a New Religion

15:19 – Felix Rex (Black Pigeon Speaks) Black Pigeon has done previous installments on this same topic. I decided to post this one here to the main blog, along with some notes that were scratched out while I listened. This has all seemed so self-evident to me as I have watched it happen. I have …

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The Trayvon Hoax

The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America – film 1:58:59 – Joel Gilbert Even though I tell people that much of what we see today is theater, I am still sometimes surprised at how large it really is. Thanks to G.E. Griffin for the link to the above video and the following …

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Contact Tracers – The New Nazis

Lost your job? Consider becoming a “contact tracer” – CBS News History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes, said Mark Twain. Prepare for the New Nazis – the Grandest collection of Paid Busybodies the world will have ever known. First it was ‘Protecting the Homeland’ with the TSA, kapos* proudly selected and paid to assault …

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The Virus and the Vaccine

Added to eBooks: The Virus and the Vaccine – The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed, published in 2004, by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher I was first told about this book over five years ago by a friend of mine at a wedding we …

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Soylent Green on the Way…

Unless things change soon, your children or grandchildren will be eating lab-grown “meat” and think it’s normal. An unholy abomination, but by then we’ll have human clones walking among us anyway. Unborn meat for unborn people. Neither having a soul. Both Tyson Foods and Bill Gates are heavily invested in this technology. Isn’t that comforting? …

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The Power of Words – Gone Awry

This was originally posted for a small group of friends on Facebook, and I was unsure I would post it here. I do so now after some deliberation. I believe this is something that should be thought about on a broader scale, asking why we glorify ‘thugness’ – whether it was James Cagney during the …

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Schumann Resonance

Did you know that the Earth has its own vibrational frequency? It does. It is 7.83 Hertz (Hz), and it’s called the Schumann Resonance. When your brain is at its ultimate state of relaxation, like the state you might experience with practiced meditation (not sleep), your brainwaves are operating in this same frequency. It is …

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Erik Satie: Gymnopédies

Here’s one with pictures. Compare this to your favorite slutty half-time show filled with demonic symbolism. 15:45 – Updated 23 Dec 2022 because the original YouTube video was no longer available. Special Thanks to Estoy Perdida… Eric Alfred Leslie Satie (17 May 1866 – 1 July 1925), who signed his name Erik Satie after 1884, …

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Hip-Hop versus Puccini’s Nessun Dorma

I listened to a well-known ‘hip-hop’ person recently proclaim himself to be the greatest artist that ever lived. Since this was such an utterly ridiculous statement it stuck in my head. That he could even remotely compare his binary tempos and coarse use of language to the aesthetic sensibilities that existed in famous works of …

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Hollywood Scripts – Corona

I am copying here a number of Spacebook postings from the last couple of weeks. Here is one from a couple days ago… I posed a thought experiment: “Does anyone know what they used to use typewriters for in Hollywood?” I didn’t receive many responses. I finally replied: Well, neither the question nor the answer …

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All War is Based on Lies

The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States Senators and President George H. W. Bush as reasons to attack Iraq in …

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