Soylent Green on the Way…

Unless things change soon, your children or grandchildren will be eating lab-grown “meat” and think it’s normal. An unholy abomination, but by then we’ll have human clones walking among us anyway. Unborn meat for unborn people. Neither having a soul. Both Tyson Foods and Bill Gates are heavily invested in this technology. Isn’t that comforting? …

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Brave New World Castes

Alphas and Betas Alphas and Betas are at the top of the caste system, and perform the more intellectual jobs. Unlike the lower castes, Alphas and Betas are not clones, allowing for more individual personalities. Alphas wear gray, and Betas wear mulberry. Examples of Alphas include Thomas, Henry Foster, Mustapha Mond, Bernard Marx, Benito Hoover, …

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