Inorganic Behavior – “Astroturfing”

I have noted for some time the inauthentic nature of many of the so-called movements and causes we see today. Unnaturally borne. Poorly thought out and, to me at least, so plainly manufactured. Inorganic I have called them, wondering why people are so easily persuaded and convinced. We find ourselves today in the midst of …

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The Brearley School Letter

The following letter was written by Andrew Gutmann, a father who was fed up with the obsessive focus on race by the elite Manhattan prep school his daughter attended. He accused the school of trying to “brainwash” the kids with ‘woke’ philosophies instead of simply teaching them how to think for themselves. He will not …

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Debunking Virology – Three Doctors Talk Facts

Having read Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World years ago, and merging it with Orwell’s 1984, perhaps it was easy to see that the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ was potentially nothing more than social engineering on a grand scale. Social engineering for fun and profit. It had been easy in 2011, once evidence had been provided, to recognize …

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Deep State Boasts of Taking Out Trump

Napoleon said that history was a myth agreed upon. Henry Ford said that history was “bunk” (bullshit), that it was “made up.” Tolstoy is supposed to have said that history would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true. “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” — …

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Depopulation – That Means You

Well said, Mr. Day. I wonder how many will listen. 17:33 – Jerry Day – minivanjack – 10 Feb 2021

More Transgender Histrionics

Too ridiculous for even the Twilight Zone… Actor John Cleese was recently excoriated on Twitter for saying that he still did not understand what the deal was with trans people. He is 81 years old, and he is unable to get his mind around it — the concept of ‘transgenderism’. For context, note that as …

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Woke Teacher Tells Protesters to Kill Themselves

Video: Teacher Goes on Unhinged Rant Telling Lockdown Protesters “Kill Yourself!” Published 7 December, 2020 Paul Joseph Watson A video clip out of Oregon shows a teacher screaming at lockdown protesters concerned about business closures, telling them, “kill yourself!” The incident occurred during a demonstration in Bend, Oregon yesterday at which protesters expressed their opposition …

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Advocating Lockdowns – Complicit in Murder

What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns 9:08 – James Corbett – 24 Nov 2020 TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES “If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most …

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The Perfect Storm of Stupid

What is “The Great Reset”? With James Delingpole 33:23 – Paul Joseph Watson – 14 Nov 2020

Archbishop Vigano – The Great Reset

This Letter to the President, written by Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, was brought to my attention by a friend. I thought it was particularly well written. I post it here not for religious purposes per se, but for the truth it exposes about the so-called Great Reset into which all the people of the …

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The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, & Identity

34:18 – Eric Metaxas – 26 Oct 2020 I copied here part of the transcript, starting around 21:15, that I think is particularly meaningful in today’s socio-political climate. For the sake of context, note that besides being British, Murray is both gay and an atheist. “I don’t wish to be rude to the country I’m …

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Mask People are Sheeple

A fun and well done video. Note the Georgia Guidestones shown prominently throughout. 3:52 – Media Bear – A redo of Depeche Mode’s song People are People from 1984. Georgia Guidestones A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each …

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Ron Paul – Principled Leadership

Ron Paul recently had a mild stroke while doing his daily Ron Paul Liberty Report. It caused me to reflect on how he had influenced my thinking on politics years earlier; my thoughts on what role government should have in our lives. In an ongoing quest to learn more about economics, politics, and the markets, …

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Geoengineering – Solar Radiation Management

Courtesy of Greg Hunter – West Coast wildfires, wild temperature swings and hurricanes in the Gulf are all part of the consequences of man-made weather modification called Geoengineering. Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says, “People need to unite in the fight against climate engineering because it’s killing us all. . . . If we …

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Plandemic 2 – InDoctorNation

Have not yet compiled notes on this and welcome the help of anyone who would like to do so. I wanted to at least get this published here to the main blog. 1:15:30 – Plandemic Documentary Series – 18 Aug 2020 Note that the up and down arrows on your keyboard will (or should) adjust …

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Ryan Dawson on Slavery and The Civil War

Facts that you will not hear today about slavery, the North and the South, Lincoln, the railroads, the Civil War, and more… 10:42 – ANC Report – 28 Jul 2020

Notes on Men and Fathers in Society…

This is from an interview I listened to last January of Denise McAllister at the studio of Eric Metaxas in New York. It is about 18 minutes in. This was so well said, I thought, that I scratched it down. Maybe a few others will find it meaningful as well. “This is why we now …

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Stop Being So Afraid of Everything

Tucker Carlson mistakenly believes that we pay the Congress to “run the country.” Like hell we do, and we should put an end to this ignorance as quickly as possible. We absolutely do NOT want, need, or intend to have a group of people made up largely of CRIMINALS and SOCIOPATHS running this country. WE …

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Racists and Homophobes Welcome Here

I saw a sign in front of a small business that said “Racists and Homophobes not welcome here.” Now if you feel the need to publish that, what does that say about you? If I was running a small business I think I would put up a sign that said “Racists and Homophobes welcome here, …

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Bari Weiss – Resignation from New York Times

Lead-in by Brian Flood of Fox News New York Times opinion columnist and editor Bari Weiss announced Tuesday she is leaving the paper, issuing a blistering resignation letter that some feel proves the Gray Lady is censoring diversity of thought. “What this journalist has done is not just to indict, but to convict The New …

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“It’s not for me to judge”… more nonsense

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, 79 people were shot over the July 4th weekend, resulting in 15 fatalities. Yes, 79 people. Let that sink in for a moment. Resulting in fifteen murders. Eleven of the victims were minors, and two children died. One of the victims was a 7-year-old girl who was shot in the …

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“No one has died from the coronavirus”

Courtesy of Off-Guardian – July 2, 2020 Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association Rosemary Frei and Patrick Corbett A high-profile European pathologist is reporting that he and his colleagues across Europe have not found any evidence of any deaths from the novel coronavirus on that continent. Dr. Stoian Alexov …

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