Mask People are Sheeple

A fun and well done video. Note the Georgia Guidestones shown prominently throughout. 3:52 – Media Bear – A redo of Depeche Mode’s song People are People from 1984. Georgia Guidestones A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each …

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Easy Test for CV-19

How to tell if you are a carrier of CV-19: Place two fingers on the inside of your wrist just below your thumb, making sure you can feel your pulse. Count the number of heartbeats in 10 seconds. See test results below. Results: If you are able to locate a pulse then you are a …

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A Friendly Reminder from Tommy Toilet

Who would have thought that nearly 50 years after this was first published the nation would once again take this to heart. I suspect this is the real reason for the recent toilet paper panic. Image by R. Crumb More at CRISIS-19 Public Forum Robert Crumb – Wikipedia Welcome to – The Official Crumb …

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Pachelbel: Canon in D

Written in the late 1600’s for three violins and one cello, Pachelbel’s Canon in D has certainly withstood the test of time. This rendition from Australia, a String Quartet, with three women and one man. Beautiful, on so many levels, if you are able to see and hear it… imbibe it even, while you still …

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JS Bach: “Air” – Orchestral Suite No. 3

Continued, another installment in our push back against the Nihilists that plan to take over the world. This is J.S. Bach’s “Air” from Orchestral Suite No. 3, performed by the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic. Some may find it offensive that Bach was European, and a man. Still, I believe that this is another classic representation of …

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Impeach Trump Now!

In multiple conversations with friends the last week or so there has been almost universal agreement that the best thing that can happen for this country longer-term is for the Democrats to try to impeach the President. So, without further delay I will regularly call for President Trump to be impeached. Join me! While preparing …

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Racism Test

How to tell if you are a Racist: Place small mirror under your nose. Breathe normally. Remove mirror. See test results below. Results: 1. Mirror is fogged. You are a racist. 2. Mirror is not fogged. You are dead. You are no longer a racist. Foolproof. Works for all ages. Patent Pending

Ukraine on Fire… cherchez la femme

I posted this twice to facebook, as shown in the notes below. I continue to try to migrate previous journaling to here. 21 April 2019 – Spacebook… I posted the following here in September of 2017. Receiving no ‘likes’ and no comments it did not get much attention. I wonder whether it will become more …

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Stop! Don’t eat that food!

Long ago I decided that the majority of what I was told or taught about food was most likely bullshit. One of the bonuses of being a cynic is that you assume that pretty everything you are told or taught is that way. You learn to do a lot of your own research, and your …

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Making Oneself a Disagreeable Companion

RULES, by the Observation of which a Man of Wit and Learning may nonetheless make himself a disagreeable Companion. Your Business is to shine, therefore you must by all means prevent the shining of others, for their Brightness may make yours the less distinguished. To this End: If possible engross the whole Discourse; and when other Matter fails, talk much …

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The Cult of the Misanthropic Knife…

thoughtcrimes, and the cult of the misanthropic knife… London, England. It once was the angry gun that went around killing people, but times have changed. Guns are highly restricted in London, so knives there have taken the initiative. Sadly, and for no apparent reason, knives have been going on wild killing sprees. Groups of knives …

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Racist Airports

Why do we still have Customs at the airports? It seems pretty racist to question people why they are coming into the country. How would you feel if Israel, Saudi Arabia, Japan or Canada wanted to know why you were coming into THEIR country? Jerks. Here are the 5 questions one is most likely to …

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