These Little Ones

Millions of children vanish in the United States each year. 83,000 each month. 2,700 a day. 115 per hour. 1 every thirty seconds. Where do they all go? 56:03 – Stew Peters Network – 01 Aug 2022 “It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown …

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Died Suddenly

When they tell us that depopulation is their main agenda, why do we not believe them? 1:08:21 – Stew Peters Network – 21 Nov 2022 It is an ancient conversation… “You may not harm them.” “Then I will beguile them into harming themselves.” “They must have access to knowledge of the truth.” “I will tell …

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The Most Toxic Food Product There Is

It has been said that the food industry in this country would literally feed you cardboard if they could get away with it. You may be surprised to learn that in fact it is already known how much sawdust they can put in snack treats before you notice the difference — about 15%. Your body …

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Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory – Soylent Green

Germ theory vs. Terrain theory is today a subject of vigorous debate. We note this here only for reference and will not enter into a discussion about it in this post. That said, the image above has always reminded me of feedlot beef. Countless numbers of cows spending their short lives not in green pastures, …

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Paradise Stolen – Parts 5-6

Episode 5 – Why We Are Poor 10:02 – Stefan Verstappen – 26 Feb 2016 Episode 6 – The Value of Money 4:49 – Stefan Verstappen – 29 May 2018

Paradise Stolen – Parts 1-4

Episode 1 – Don’t Show Your Children 5:37 – Stefan Verstappen – 30 Jan 2015 Episode 2 – The Myth of Efficiency 6:06 – Stefan Verstappen – 21 Feb 2021 “There was abundance in the Colonies, and peace was reigning on every border. It was difficult, and even impossible, to find a happier and more …

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Inorganic Behavior – “Astroturfing”

I have noted for some time the inauthentic nature of many of the so-called movements and causes we see today. Unnaturally borne. Poorly thought out and, to me at least, so plainly manufactured. Inorganic I have called them, wondering why people are so easily persuaded and convinced. We find ourselves today in the midst of …

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CA Fitts – This is a Slave System

INTERVIEW Catherine Austin Fitts: This is a Slave System Orchestrated by Central Banks 48:15 – David Knight – 23 Apr 2021 The David Knight Show

Dual Morality Codes

More excellent work by Mr. Daniel Natal 8:29 – The Daniel Natal Show – 16 Apr 2021 The West has always been based on a unitary ethical structure, where everyone was equal before the law. By contrast, outside of Christendom, something called ‘dual morality codes’ evolved, whereby the rules are applied different to people, based …

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You Can’t Forget the Past

The following is from the movie The Two Jakes. It was the sequel to Chinatown (1974), and was released in 1990. Actor/director Jack Nicholson reprises his role as J.J. “Jake” Gittes, a private investigator in post-war (late 40’s) Los Angeles. In the following ‘scene’ he is on his way out to see a client in …

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Debunking Virology – Three Doctors Talk Facts

Having read Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World years ago, and merging it with Orwell’s 1984, perhaps it was easy to see that the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ was potentially nothing more than social engineering on a grand scale. Social engineering for fun and profit. It had been easy in 2011, once evidence had been provided, to recognize …

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Army Oath of Enlistment

There is talk that those who presently occupy government in the District of Columbia want the soldiers who guard them to take an additional oath of loyalty.  It is unclear exactly to whom or what this pledge is to be given. These men and women in the armed services have already sworn an oath to …

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PSYOP The Steal – Official Documentary

Talk about theater. What if almost everything you thought you knew was actually fake? Would you call bullshit? Would you hold those responsible to account? Those who make their way through the following 84 minutes will have a much more comprehensive understanding of current events, including the “Capitol Riot.” 1:24:21 – Millie Weaver – 23 …

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Deep State Boasts of Taking Out Trump

Napoleon said that history was a myth agreed upon. Henry Ford said that history was “bunk” (bullshit), that it was “made up.” Tolstoy is supposed to have said that history would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true. “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” — …

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Depopulation – That Means You

Well said, Mr. Day. I wonder how many will listen. 17:33 – Jerry Day – minivanjack – 10 Feb 2021


The beginnings of a future post… The attached is a symphonic version of music from the Japanese movie Departures. I want to return at some time to develop this post further and talk about this deeply meaningful movie. This draft can serve as a placeholder until that time comes. – John Departures 8:18 – Joe …

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Advocating Lockdowns – Complicit in Murder

What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns 9:08 – James Corbett – 24 Nov 2020 TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES “If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most …

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The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated

Maker of COVID-Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated 4:34 – GE Griffin – 21 Nov 2020 Note that the audio player defaults to FULL volume. Be prepared to turn it down once clicking Play. Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told Canadian government officials in Alberta during a phone conference that the coronavirus pandemic …

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Dr. Judy Mikovits – Plague of Corruption

Posted here for a friend, this is a repost from the CRISIS-19-Public group – the original first post in fact, on 04 Apr 2020. This interview was done in late March of 2020, but is as relevant as ever today. Dr. Judy Mikovits with Sarah Westall – podcasts Note that the audio player defaults to …

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How Washington DC Really Works

11:57 – Black Pigeon Speaks – 28 Oct 2020 (BitChute video; You may use your computer’s Up and Down arrows to control the volume.) “In poor countries it’s called a bribe. In the US it’s called lobbying.” Not a single Congressperson writes the laws they lobby for and pass. They are written by the Special …

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The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, & Identity

34:18 – Eric Metaxas – 26 Oct 2020 I copied here part of the transcript, starting around 21:15, that I think is particularly meaningful in today’s socio-political climate. For the sake of context, note that besides being British, Murray is both gay and an atheist. “I don’t wish to be rude to the country I’m …

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Catherine Austin Fitts – Slavery System

Banking Insider Exposes Covid-19 Mark of the Beast Rollout 49:43 – Infowars – 15 Oct 2020 (BitChute video; Use your computer’s Up and Down arrows to control volume.) “This is a war, and we are financing the enemy.” — Catherine Austin Fitts Catherine Austin Fitts is someone I listen to no matter whose platform she …

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9/11 Suspects – Documentary – James Corbett

1:13:20 – The Corbett Report – 2016 Note that the video may start at full volume. You may want to reduce the volume before clicking play. 9/11 Suspects (Full Documentary | 2016) : The Corbett Report In 2016, The Corbett Report released the 9/11 Suspects series in individual installments. Now, as we approach the 19th anniversary of …

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