Brave New World Castes

Alphas and Betas Alphas and Betas are at the top of the caste system, and perform the more intellectual jobs. Unlike the lower castes, Alphas and Betas are not clones, allowing for more individual personalities. Alphas wear gray, and Betas wear mulberry. Examples of Alphas include Thomas, Henry Foster, Mustapha Mond, Bernard Marx, Benito Hoover, …

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How language shapes the way we think

There are many ways to transfer to our fellow humans the things that occur in our minds, whether these are things we think, or things we feel… or, most likely, some combination of both. These occurrences may only appear to emanate from within ourselves and language may take many forms, but these discussions are beyond …

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500,000 dead Iraqi Children “worth it”

Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi children was “worth it” and wins the Medal of Freedom. This is the same person who said that any woman who did not vote for Hillary Clinton had a special place in hell. I expect she knows more about that than she reveals. These people are possessed, offering human …

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The Mysterious Letters in the Quran

An ex-Muslim who refers to himself as The Apostate Prophet offers interesting insights into Islam. He notes in his description: Alif Lam Meem, no one knows what these letters mean. The Quran has numerous “openers”, letter combination that interpreters of the Quran argued about for over 1000 years. But why is there such an inconclusive …

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Beyond Bizarro World – Scene 2

Headline: Salon Forced to Close After Refusing to Wax Transgender Woman’s Male Genitalia No, I am not making this up. Author Tom Clancy once said that the difference between fiction and reality is that fiction had to make sense. And here we are. From “bake my cake” to “wax my balls” — that didn’t take …

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What is Really Happening in Syria

In this article published by James Perloff he interviews an American immigrant from Syria. She also happens to be Christian. The War in Syria is – as usual – not what it appears to be. The Middle East is a much more complex place than most Americans have any idea, with many moving parts, and …

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Eric Raymond’s 17 Unix Rules

In his book The Art of Unix Programming that was first published in 2003, Eric S. Raymond, an American programmer and open source advocate, summarizes the Unix philosophy as the KISS Principle of “Keep it Simple, Stupid.” He provides a series of design rules: Rule of Modularity Developers should build a program out of simple parts …

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