The Mysterious Letters in the Quran

An ex-Muslim who refers to himself as The Apostate Prophet offers interesting insights into Islam. He notes in his description: Alif Lam Meem, no one knows what these letters mean. The Quran has numerous “openers”, letter combination that interpreters of the Quran argued about for over 1000 years. But why is there such an inconclusive …

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Derek Lin gives perspective on the Tao

From the Introduction of Lin’s book Tao Te Ching: Annotated & Explained… In the West, the Tao has veered away from its generic roots and taken on an aura of exotic mystique. Those of us who cling to this misconception may be surprised to encounter Asians who casually speak of the Tao of Jesus or …

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The Clinton Body Count

I was having a conversation with someone a couple years ago and I mentioned the “Clinton Body Count.” They had never heard of such a thing and thought I was out of my mind. I said not to take my word for it, to look it up themselves. My friend called back the next day, …

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Kol Nidre – Different Rules for Me and Thee

It is my intention to do a post or series of posts on this topic after doing more research, but I wanted to open this up for discussion. I want us to have a copy here of the Talmud for reference and research, and have been looking for a good resource for that. I believe …

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Kurt Vonnegut – Unstuck in Time

A number of years ago I listened to Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five as an audiobook. This was an additional track that followed at the end. It takes a small part of the book where Billy Pilgrim is experiencing time backwards, and reads it into a background of music. Some may find it moving. I did. …

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Proles and animals are free

Has anyone else noticed that lots of things you used to find easily on a Google search are now nowhere to be found? I saw the beginnings of this many years ago, but it was just one thing here, or another one there… pretty rare, and just subtle enough to make you question the details …

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Nextcloud on Linux working superbly

After many weeks of thinking about it I finally got Nextcloud installed on both my Linux systems last evening. It is working flawlessly so far. Nextcloud is backup and file syncing software, but it is more than that. I finally moved all my systems to Linux two years ago after many years of experimenting with …

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Code of Hammurabi substantially complete

I am pleased to say that The Code of Hammurabi page is now substantially complete. Everything here is a work in progress, but this was something I thought was foundational for the site and I am glad to have it done. It seems to be the affliction of every age that those who inhabit it …

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Eisenhower Farewell Address… a Warning

“Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to …

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Fractals – Hunting the Hidden Dimension

PBS NOVA – Fractals – Hunting the Hidden Dimension 54:25 – Originally aired 28 October 2008 YouTube has apparently removed this video for Copyright violation. If I find a way to view it that does not infringe the copyright I will update the link. I myself happen to own this on Blu-ray as well as …

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Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 4

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 4 – The New Atlantis 31:47 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 3

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 3 – Exiles of Atlantis 29:08 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 2

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 2 – Sons of the Dragon 14:08 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 1

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 1 – What’s in a Name? 10:18 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Pondering on the 4th

I started to write a brief intro to the Mark Dice video that I was about to post, a video from the 4th of July in 2016. I chose not to post it yesterday out of a sense of respect. It makes Americans look so stupid that it might only confirm our need to go. Like King Edward Longshanks remarking in Braveheart that sending his son to meet with Wallace would only encourage him to take over the entire country. And yet is this not perhaps the very trap that is being laid for us?

Propaganda Sold as News

Operation Mockingbird alive and well in Europe. The CIA controls the news. European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure – German Journalist 13:22 – Published by RT on 18 October 2014 German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, adding that …

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Religion blushing veils her sacred fires

A fascinating exchange. A Muslim immigrant to Canada explains to a reporter from Rebel Media that homosexuality is not an organic lifestyle and that Canada’s embrace of it will prove to be its own demise. Amen. I say that this has been the plan all along. It only confirms what I have said time and …

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WAR is a Racket

“WAR is a racket. It always has been… It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” — General Smedley Butler, 1935 Smedley Darlington Butler was a United States Marine Corps major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his …

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Gazing into the Abyss

We think we are unique when, throughout the day, we encounter synchronicity. Yet it happens to us all, all the time, if we are open to seeing it and knowing it. We open a random book to some random page, and there is the very thing we were looking for. We wake up humming a …

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An Expanding Earth

Many years ago we were introduced to the fact that the Universe was expanding. Then more recently it was discovered that the expansion was not slowing down, as had been previously surmised, but was in fact accelerating. So what is the universe? It is easy to get caught up in thinking of the universe as …

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Three Ways to Create Wealth

There are three ways to create wealth: You can grow it, you can mine it, or you can manufacture it. Anything else is just a transference of wealth. Said in a simpler way, “No wealth is created without sweat.” Those who actually built this country knew this instinctively. We should be clear that there have …

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