Hugs and Vanilla…

Notes from the journal… for Colleen 10 September 2017 I picked up one of my nieces a few nights ago at the airport. She had flown in from Ft. Lauderdale, escaping Hurricane Irma. I got my first real hug in a long time. It was one of those hugs that leaves you feeling loved and …

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Always Solutions, to Problems that Never Were

Ron Paul on Health Care… In the days before Medicare and Medicaid, for instance, the poor and elderly were admitted to hospitals at about the same rate they are now, and received good care. As a physician I never accepted Medicare or Medicaid money from the government, and instead offered cut-rate or free services to …

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The Call Girl Principle

Sharing a more personal post this evening. I hope you enjoy… The Call Girl Principle states that the value of services diminishes rapidly once those services have been rendered. This principle may take many forms. There is a story about a banquet that was thrown after Columbus returned to Spain, having ‘discovered’ the New World. …

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It’s okay when we do it…

The U.S. Government does not know what “happened” to $21,000,000,000,000.00 ($21 Trillion) of past budgets. This is just the official number. The actual number is about double this (not counting unfunded liabilities). When pushed for an answer they say “Trust us. It’s a ‘national security’ issue.” That’s their answer for everything. The biggest accounting swindle …

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Branches of the U.S. Government

I meet a lot of people who do not know the difference between a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Representative, or even that there are two separate branches of the Legislature. Many do not know as well that, at least theoretically, there are separate powers given to each branch of government. This does not mean …

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Human Trafficking – Time to Rout this Cancer

The article below is posted in representation of a much larger issue. It exposes the corruption endemic in our government, a government that protects those who conduct commerce in flesh – specifically the flesh of children. Human trafficking actually exceeds the drug trade in global dollars spent each year. This is an abomination. The article …

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Impeach Trump Now!

In multiple conversations with friends the last week or so there has been almost universal agreement that the best thing that can happen for this country longer-term is for the Democrats to try to impeach the President. So, without further delay I will regularly call for President Trump to be impeached. Join me! While preparing …

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Two Minutes Hate

Two Minutes Hate is the daily period In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (by George Orwell), during which members of the Outer Party of Oceania must watch a film depicting the enemies of the state, specifically Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers (the deplorables), in order to openly and loudly express hatred for them. The political purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is …

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Proof of Treason – Trump-Zelensky Transcript

Here is a copy of the Transcript that Democrats say provides proof that Trump should be hanged for Treason. If we had a real news media in this country we wouldn’t be wasting time on phony distractions like this. We would be exposing the real crimes and actually trying to make the world a better …

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Ordo ab Chao – Ukraine on Fire

I posted the following on facebook in September of 2017. The post received no likes and no comments. That was unusual and I wondered whether it had been shadow-banned. Facebook claims to not do this – shadow-banning – while at the same time filing a U.S. Patent for the process. This was the original post… …

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UAF Says WTC-7 NOT Brought Down by Fire

From the University of Alaska Fairbanks – Institute of Northern Engineering… A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7 Project Summary This is a study of the collapse of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC7) at 5:20 P.M. on September 11, 2001. The objective of the study was threefold: (1) …

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Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of “Brainwashing” in China is a non-fiction book by psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton on the psychology of mind control. Lifton’s research for the book began in 1953 with a series of interviews with American servicemen who had been held captive during the Korean War. In addition …

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Molon Labe – Come and Take Them

The Gun Grabbers – By Ben Garrison Being the far-left progressive loon that he is, Beto O’Rourke decided to push the envelope a little further left. During the last debate he stated, “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15; your AK-47.” He is even selling a T-shirt with that exact quote on it. Yes, …

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The 1933 Bankruptcy of America

Nearly four score and seven years ago this nation declared bankruptcy. I have tried the last few years to get friends and family to understand the implications of this. My efforts have been largely in vain. The concepts of the nature of money itself (and wealth creation) are foreign to most people. Under the present …

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Today’s Faustian Bargain

As we approach the end of Western culture we see the corrosive signs of narcissism and the nihilism it portends all around us. We need only open our eyes. Worshiping the false god of Self, those who no longer care about anything else other than their own gratuitous desires fuel the very collapse in which …

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The Battle of the Titans

A number of years ago many witnesses reported seeing a missile launched – at night – off the California coast. It was Southern California as I recall. I no longer remember the details and will not attempt to look them up at this time. I read about it on a blog I used to frequent, …

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A 9/11 Anomaly – Weather

September 7, 2019. On this day 18 years ago Hurricane Erin was making its way northeast toward New York City. It would pause off the coast of New York on 9/11, then turn due east and head north again. Did you hear about it? At all? I didn’t think so. Yet under the circumstances it …

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The Awakening – Quelling Fake News

Non-Elite Humans Are Daring To Create Their Own Narratives excerpt from ZeroHedge (all formatting left intact)… Before we dissect what’s really going on, allow me to point out the glaringly obvious, which is that politicians, pundits, mass media and the U.S. military don’t actually care about the societal harm of fake news or conspiracy theories. We know …

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A Banana Republic with Nukes

Today’s post comes from Ben Garrison… Attorney General Barr decided not to pursue a case against Comey. I don’t know why—it seemed to me there was plenty of evidence to indict him. Perhaps Barr has come down with a touch of Jeff Sessions-itis. The FBI had far, far less evidence against General Flynn, and still …

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Dunbar’s Number

Dunbar’s number is the nominal limit to the number of people with whom we may comfortably maintain stable relationships, aka friendships. The number is proposed to be between 100 and 250, with a commonly used value of 150. This number was first put forth in the 1990’s by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar after studying the …

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Seeing the Noise – Living in the Ether

The featured image is a graphical representation of electromagnetic energy filling a space. Wi-Fi. It represents the soup – the ether we now live in. Most of us at least. And it is going to get significantly worse with the introduction of 5G. Many who suffer from tinnitus are in fact experiencing a sensitivity to …

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