Only Slaves Ask for Freedom

A friend accompanied me to Home Depot a number of years ago. As we exited the store the alarm went off. I kept walking while my friend stopped in panic, waiting for the SWAT team to come strip-search him. “Why didn’t you stop?” he asked me when he got to the truck. “Did you steal …

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James Corbett – A Letter to the Future

A Letter to the Future – YouTube 9:20 – James Corbett by James Corbett – April 11, 2020 “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.” — WWI conspirator Edward Grey I do not write these words for my contemporaries. We are the damned. It …

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The Birth of a New Religion

Tuberculosis (TB) has been with us since ancient times and is found in every country in the world. It is estimated that one-third of the world’s population is infected with the TB bacterium. It is a leading cause of infectious disease worldwide, killing roughly 1.5 million people each year. TB is an airborne disease that …

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Monopoly – Stop Playing the Game

“The only way to stop playing a game is to stop.” — Eric Berne, The Games People Play I was the first of five children born in our family. As kids we would sometimes play Monopoly. Being the oldest I had an advantage in figuring out how to win. I was also the Banker. As …

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Italian Stats – Coronavirus

Is There Something Wrong with This Picture? by Thomas DiLorenzo The CDC says that 23,000 Americans have died from the flu since last September. Yawn. Ho hum. Around 6 PM today the TV news cited another CDC statistic that 400 Americans have died from the coronavirus. Emergency! Suspend the Constitution — Permanently! Declare Martial Law! …

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The Power of Words – Gone Awry

This was originally posted for a small group of friends on Facebook, and I was unsure I would post it here. I do so now after some deliberation. I believe this is something that should be thought about on a broader scale, asking why we glorify ‘thugness’ – whether it was James Cagney during the …

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U.S. National Debt Clock

You think this ends well? Never forget that debt is slavery… at ANY interest rate. Hold the people to account who insist on placing their yoke on you! And quit voting for stuff you don’t have the money for! Contrary to what these crooks tell you, no one is going to ‘cover’ your portion for …

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Schumann Resonance

Did you know that the Earth has its own vibrational frequency? It does. It is 7.83 Hertz (Hz), and it’s called the Schumann Resonance. When your brain is at its ultimate state of relaxation, like the state you might experience with practiced meditation (not sleep), your brainwaves are operating in this same frequency. It is …

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Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini

So who will stand the test of time, Rachmaninoff or someone named Dawg? Sadly, that probably depends on the culture. A culture that now looks down, instead of up. And that seems to be the direction we’re going – down. Any culture that glorifies all that is nasty and evil instead of all that is …

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Hip-Hop versus Puccini’s Nessun Dorma

I listened to a well-known ‘hip-hop’ person recently proclaim himself to be the greatest artist that ever lived. Since this was such an utterly ridiculous statement it stuck in my head. That he could even remotely compare his binary tempos and coarse use of language to the aesthetic sensibilities that existed in famous works of …

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Hollywood Scripts – Corona

I am copying here a number of Spacebook postings from the last couple of weeks. Here is one from a couple days ago… I posed a thought experiment: “Does anyone know what they used to use typewriters for in Hollywood?” I didn’t receive many responses. I finally replied: Well, neither the question nor the answer …

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Goering on the Use of Propaganda

Hermann Wilhelm Göring [also rendered as Goering] was a German politician, military leader, and leading member of the Nazi party. He was founder of the Gestapo, and Head of the Luftwaffe. He notes that it makes no difference what form of government you have, you can always get the people to do what you want. The following is from an interview with …

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The Real Enemy of the People – The Ruling Class

It’s been a while since I posted a video here on the front of the site, but Tucker Carlson hit the ball out of the park with this one. Are people in fact waking up to this? I hope so. Tucker: Ruling class incompetence 6:04 – Tucker Carlson – Fox News 2020-04-27 — I posted …

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Stop Playing the Game

I just saw a headline stating that Bernie Sanders’ real obstacle is not Trump, but the Democratic establishment. Indeed, but I would say that this whole country’s problem is not Trump, but the larger Establishment (the Dark Lords, the Puppet-Masters, the Man (or Men) behind the Curtain). Trump is just a symptom of an Oligarchy …

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All War is Based on Lies

The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States Senators and President George H. W. Bush as reasons to attack Iraq in …

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Glaciers Gone by the Year 2020

and who’s paying for this…. Glacier Park in Montana is having to remove all signs stating that “the glaciers will all be gone by the year 2020.” Not only are the glaciers not gone, many have grown for multiple years in a row. My thoughts? Leave the signs there, and attach a quote by George …

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Impeach Trump Now!

In multiple conversations with friends the last week or so there has been almost universal agreement that the best thing that can happen for this country longer-term is for the Democrats to try to impeach the President. So, without further delay I will regularly call for President Trump to be impeached. Join me! While preparing …

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Two Minutes Hate

Two Minutes Hate is the daily period In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (by George Orwell), during which members of the Outer Party of Oceania must watch a film depicting the enemies of the state, specifically Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers (the deplorables), in order to openly and loudly express hatred for them. The political purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is …

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Proof of Treason – Trump-Zelensky Transcript

Here is a copy of the Transcript that Democrats say provides proof that Trump should be hanged for Treason. If we had a real news media in this country we wouldn’t be wasting time on phony distractions like this. We would be exposing the real crimes and actually trying to make the world a better …

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Ordo ab Chao – Ukraine on Fire

I posted the following on facebook in September of 2017. The post received no likes and no comments. That was unusual and I wondered whether it had been shadow-banned. Facebook claims to not do this – shadow-banning – while at the same time filing a U.S. Patent for the process. This was the original post… …

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Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of “Brainwashing” in China is a non-fiction book by psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton on the psychology of mind control. Lifton’s research for the book began in 1953 with a series of interviews with American servicemen who had been held captive during the Korean War. In addition …

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The 1933 Bankruptcy of America

Nearly four score and seven years ago this nation declared bankruptcy. I have tried the last few years to get friends and family to understand the implications of this. My efforts have been largely in vain. The concepts of the nature of money itself (and wealth creation) are foreign to most people. Under the present …

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Today’s Faustian Bargain

As we approach the end of Western culture we see the corrosive signs of narcissism and the nihilism it portends all around us. We need only open our eyes. Worshiping the false god of Self, those who no longer care about anything else other than their own gratuitous desires fuel the very collapse in which …

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