Seeing the Noise – Living in the Ether

The featured image is a graphical representation of electromagnetic energy filling a space. Wi-Fi. It represents the soup – the ether we now live in. Most of us at least. And it is going to get significantly worse with the introduction of 5G. Many who suffer from tinnitus are in fact experiencing a sensitivity to …

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Times Have Changed – or Have They?

I was reading about some of the “tests” that were conducted 300 years ago to determine whether or not one was a witch. Truly bizarre, frightening even, if one considers the notion of having them done on themselves. In one test they would bind you and then throw you in the river to see if …

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The Most Powerful Gas in the Known Universe

I was listening to a debate between two “Climate Scientists” three weeks ago. One believed in Global Warming – AND that it was caused by man. The other did not. Regarding the composition of Earth’s atmosphere, they agreed that nitrogen gas accounts for about 78%. Oxygen is about 21% and argon is just less than …

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Brave New World – Revisited

For our readers in Canada (or elsewhere that this book has now entered the public domain) I have provided a PDF copy of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Revisited in the ebooks archive. I already own a copy in paperback, as well as on Kindle, and was able to reread it again recently. Published in 1958, …

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Epstein and the Eugenicists

The wormhole goes so far beyond where most people are able to conceive. This is the place where science and religion meet. Many have wondered for years why I have harped on Huxley’s Brave New World as much as Orwell’s 1984, noting that what we have been experiencing is in fact a melding of the …

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Brave New World Castes

Alphas and Betas Alphas and Betas are at the top of the caste system, and perform the more intellectual jobs. Unlike the lower castes, Alphas and Betas are not clones, allowing for more individual personalities. Alphas wear gray, and Betas wear mulberry. Examples of Alphas include Thomas, Henry Foster, Mustapha Mond, Bernard Marx, Benito Hoover, …

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How language shapes the way we think

There are many ways to transfer to our fellow humans the things that occur in our minds, whether these are things we think, or things we feel… or, most likely, some combination of both. These occurrences may only appear to emanate from within ourselves and language may take many forms, but these discussions are beyond …

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The Arrow of Time

“Well, time has a kind of strange role in modern physics. It’s not a completely resolved question. The nature of time still has real ambiguities about it. Scientifically we don’t understand why time has one direction, and one direction only. Yes, I can never go backwards, but in space I can go both directions. Always. …

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Fractals – Hunting the Hidden Dimension

PBS NOVA – Fractals – Hunting the Hidden Dimension 54:25 – Originally aired 28 October 2008 YouTube has apparently removed this video for Copyright violation. If I find a way to view it that does not infringe the copyright I will update the link. I myself happen to own this on Blu-ray as well as …

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Racism Test

How to tell if you are a Racist: Place small mirror under your nose. Breathe normally. Remove mirror. See test results below. Results: 1. Mirror is fogged. You are a racist. 2. Mirror is not fogged. You are dead. You are no longer a racist. Foolproof. Works for all ages. Patent Pending

An Expanding Earth

Many years ago we were introduced to the fact that the Universe was expanding. Then more recently it was discovered that the expansion was not slowing down, as had been previously surmised, but was in fact accelerating. So what is the universe? It is easy to get caught up in thinking of the universe as …

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The Science Delusion

This is a banned TED Talk given by Rupert Sheldrake in 2013. Held in Whitechapel, London, the event was called “Challenging Existing Paradigms.” Sheldrake summarizes some of the main themes in his book Science Set Free. At eighteen minutes long, it is only a primer, but will still support multiple listenings. He lists the 10 …

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