stole a pen from the bank
I stole a pen from the bank and it didn’t even last a year. It really makes one think about where are the best and worst places to steal pens.
I stole a pen from the bank and it didn’t even last a year. It really makes one think about where are the best and worst places to steal pens.
We think we are unique when, throughout the day, we encounter synchronicity. Yet it happens to us all, all the time, if we are open to seeing it and knowing it. We open a random book to some random page, and there is the very thing we were looking for. We wake up humming a …
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Many years ago we were introduced to the fact that the Universe was expanding. Then more recently it was discovered that the expansion was not slowing down, as had been previously surmised, but was in fact accelerating. So what is the universe? It is easy to get caught up in thinking of the universe as …
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Moved to companion site, Compendia.
If— If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or …
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Satyagraha is a Sanskrit word that was coined by Mahatma Gandhi. It translates loosely as “insistence on truth,” “loyalty to truth,” or simply “Truth-force.” (satya “truth”; agraha “insistence” or “holding firmly to”). The theory of satyagraha is timeless, and sees means and ends as inseparable. The means used to obtain an end are wrapped up …
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There are three ways to create wealth: You can grow it, you can mine it, or you can manufacture it. Anything else is just a transference of wealth. Said in a simpler way, “No wealth is created without sweat.” Those who actually built this country knew this instinctively. We should be clear that there have …
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I thought to title this “Gandhi’s REAL Views on Nonviolence,” but am trying to show some subtlety and restraint. Gandhi, like the Christ of the New Testament, I believe is one of the most misquoted – and misunderstood – men of all time. Whether it is “turning the other cheek” or “thou shalt not judge,” …
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Why do we still have Customs at the airports? It seems pretty racist to question people why they are coming into the country. How would you feel if Israel, Saudi Arabia, Japan or Canada wanted to know why you were coming into THEIR country? Jerks. Here are the 5 questions one is most likely to …
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This is a banned TED Talk given by Rupert Sheldrake in 2013. Held in Whitechapel, London, the event was called “Challenging Existing Paradigms.” Sheldrake summarizes some of the main themes in his book Science Set Free. At eighteen minutes long, it is only a primer, but will still support multiple listenings. He lists the 10 …
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In 1929, at the age of thirty, the Belgian artist Rene Magritte painted “The Treachery of Images.” The painting showed a pipe, written underneath with the paradoxical inscription This is not a pipe (written in French of course). When it was pointed out to him that what he had created was in fact a pipe, Magritte replied “OK, …
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