Facebook Granted Patent for Shadowbanning

Even though they supposedly do not engage in this practice, Facebook was recently granted a patent on the process of doing so. This practice is one of the main reasons for the initial creation of this site. This, and so-called Hate Speech, and nebulous Community Guidelines that they refuse to quantify, and 50+ genders nonsense, …

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Charles Ortel on the Clinton Foundation

This is an interview that Lionel did with Charles Ortel two and a half years ago. It’s long, at nearly an hour and a half, but it’s thorough and filled with factual information. The Clintons seem to have taken for granted that the mind-boggling corruption in the system would never end. Has it ended? I …

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500,000 dead Iraqi Children “worth it”

Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi children was “worth it” and wins the Medal of Freedom. This is the same person who said that any woman who did not vote for Hillary Clinton had a special place in hell. I expect she knows more about that than she reveals. These people are possessed, offering human …

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Beyond Bizarro World – Scene 2

Headline: Salon Forced to Close After Refusing to Wax Transgender Woman’s Male Genitalia No, I am not making this up. Author Tom Clancy once said that the difference between fiction and reality is that fiction had to make sense. And here we are. From “bake my cake” to “wax my balls” — that didn’t take …

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What is Really Happening in Syria

In this article published by James Perloff he interviews an American immigrant from Syria. She also happens to be Christian. The War in Syria is – as usual – not what it appears to be. The Middle East is a much more complex place than most Americans have any idea, with many moving parts, and …

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Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 4

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 4 – The New Atlantis 31:47 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 3

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 3 – Exiles of Atlantis 29:08 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 2

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 2 – Sons of the Dragon 14:08 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Land of the Plumed Serpent: Part 1

Where did the name America really come from, and what does it mean? Timothy Alberino provides substantial proof that it is not what most people were taught to believe. Part 1 – What’s in a Name? 10:18 – Timothy Alberino Return to Videos

Creating Chaos in Venezuela

Catching up on the day’s news before I call it a night, I see that Ilhan Omar is once more under attack. She said that the United States helped create the chaos in Venezuela. Well, everything I have seen for weeks and months suggests that that is absolutely the case. We create chaos around the …

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Patriotism is the Religion of Hell

This is one of my favorite quotes, yet I hesitated to post it to my spacebook wall for many years. I post it here as I finally posted it there a couple months ago, and will follow up with more thoughts below… I fear this will be misunderstood by most, even the ones who at …

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