Pondering on the 4th

I started to write a brief intro to the Mark Dice video that I was about to post, a video from the 4th of July in 2016. I chose not to post it yesterday out of a sense of respect. It makes Americans look so stupid that it might only confirm our need to go. Like King Edward Longshanks remarking in Braveheart that sending his son to meet with Wallace would only encourage him to take over the entire country. And yet is this not perhaps the very trap that is being laid for us?

Sharpton sets the record straight

“White folks was in the caves while we (blacks) was building empires. … We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was. … We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” — Reverend Al Sharpton

Religion blushing veils her sacred fires

A fascinating exchange. A Muslim immigrant to Canada explains to a reporter from Rebel Media that homosexuality is not an organic lifestyle and that Canada’s embrace of it will prove to be its own demise. Amen. I say that this has been the plan all along. It only confirms what I have said time and …

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White Left – China’s New Internet Insult

Black Pigeon offers a unique and intelligent global perspective. In this video he notes that the worst insult that can be given in China is to call someone a Baizuo, meaning literally “white left.” It is meant to end the conversation, basically calling the designee unhinged and incapable of being reasoned with — like the …

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a time when humor was actually funny

A liberal-leaning friend chastised me recently for something I said on spacebook. I joked in passing (in the comments of one of my own posts) that I had had a friend in the early 1990’s who had made a real nuisance of himself, calling every night and talking at length about how bad his life …

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Heather MacDonald with Mark Levin

MacDonald has been an avid speaker on the topics of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ for a number of years. Author of The Diversity Delusion, she breaks down the rise of intolerance on the Left, which is largely who runs our colleges now. Heather MacDonald warns US colleges are breeding hate 15:01 – Mark Levin – 2018-12-02 …

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