Musings, and Future Postings

A friend commented to me that the site (this site) “looks kind of random but seems like currently relevant material.” It may seem random, and in some ways it is, but I want to take a moment to give some perspective. My intentions here are multifaceted. For one, I want to post current stuff in …

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Kol Nidre – Different Rules for Me and Thee

It is my intention to do a post or series of posts on this topic after doing more research, but I wanted to open this up for discussion. I want us to have a copy here of the Talmud for reference and research, and have been looking for a good resource for that. I believe …

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All the World’s a Stage

“All the world’s a stage” is the phrase that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, spoken by the melancholy Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 138. The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play. It catalogues the seven stages of a man’s life, sometimes referred …

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thoughts on mindful anonymity…

When I first started thinking about this site I assumed it would be mostly anonymous. Not so that people could hide behind some facade (people including myself), but so that we might speak freely without fear of repercussions by some real-life whack-job. Using pseudonyms has been done throughout the ages. That being said, I have …

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Pondering on the 4th

I started to write a brief intro to the Mark Dice video that I was about to post, a video from the 4th of July in 2016. I chose not to post it yesterday out of a sense of respect. It makes Americans look so stupid that it might only confirm our need to go. Like King Edward Longshanks remarking in Braveheart that sending his son to meet with Wallace would only encourage him to take over the entire country. And yet is this not perhaps the very trap that is being laid for us?

Woe unto them that call evil good…

woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil… I came across an article by the Washington Post from last year that said “the Trump immigration plan could keep whites in U.S. majority for up to five more years.” And??? Is there something strange about the fact that Whites are PRESENTLY the majority in …

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Gazing into the Abyss

We think we are unique when, throughout the day, we encounter synchronicity. Yet it happens to us all, all the time, if we are open to seeing it and knowing it. We open a random book to some random page, and there is the very thing we were looking for. We wake up humming a …

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a time when humor was actually funny

A liberal-leaning friend chastised me recently for something I said on spacebook. I joked in passing (in the comments of one of my own posts) that I had had a friend in the early 1990’s who had made a real nuisance of himself, calling every night and talking at length about how bad his life …

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