HR 6666 and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing

PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance

by Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs – 15 May 2020

Contact tracing seems to be all the rage lately, but is it really just “contact tracing,” and how many laws are being broken while they surveil the country going door to door with the threat of isolation? Is this about preventing spread or is it to gather data, instill more panic, or create a false need for mail-in ballots? How far are these people willing to go, and who was instrumental in getting this rolling? How far are you willing to go to fight for your rights?

  • H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act was introduced by IL Rep. Bobby Rush for a $100 billion grant to NGOs and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the U.S. just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund.
  • Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was also at the Aspen Institute with Bobby Rush, who is currently running the contact tracing program in Massachusetts and beyond. Dr. Jonathan Epstein of EcoHealth Alliance whose $3.7 million NIH funding was recently cut off due to ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was also in attendance, among others.
  • Former World Bank President and co-founder of Partners in Health Jim Yong Kim is the man contacting governors to implement the contact tracing program in multiple states.
  • Bill Gates has funded Partners in Health over $44 million between the Gates Foundation and Global Fund, and goes back decades with this group, working on numerous agendas and initiatives together. Chelsea Clinton is also on the board of trustees of PIH.
  • There are over 60 companies rolling out tracing apps and getting people to register, while RFID/NFC syringes are being manufactured by the millions for a future vaccine.

From early on, everyone was told that Google was working on an app that people could “voluntarily opt into” that would allow them to register their information and get notified if they come in close proximity to those who test positive for COVID-19. They portrayed it as a helpful safety tool for all (that tracks you), but they most certainly didn’t want to infringe on anyone’s privacy, so it would therefore be “voluntary” – until it wasn’t. This was merely a dipping of everyone’s toes into the pool of shit that was coming down the pike.

Over 60 Companies on Board

There are already over 60 companies pushing everything from cell phone apps to other ways of tracking COVID-positive people, along with anyone who signs up, under the guise of returning society to ‘normal’ in a “controlled, measurable, and privacy-preserving way.” They allege that this ‘Covid Credentials Initiative’ is a “direct response from many calls for an ‘immunity passport,’ a digital certificate that lets individuals prove (and request proof from others) that they’ve recovered after testing negative, have tested positive for antibodies, or have received a vaccination, once one is available. By proving some level of immunity, individuals will be able to begin participating in everyday life again.” Let’s all pause for a good laugh. The “digital certificate” was a Gates brainstorm, so the “many calls” for this they allegedly received, were likely very few, and this mind manipulation tactic of being able to participate in everyday life again is a crock of shit to scare everyone into complying.

(D-IL) Rep. Bobby Rush’s H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act

Is it a mere coincidence that Microsoft filed a ‘cryptocurrency system using body activity data’ patent WO2020060606 in June 2019 that was just published March 26, 2020? Just imagine a future where AI data mines your body activity to verify you for cryptocurrency exchanges. What could possibly go wrong? Is that where all of this is leading? It will make more sense after reading this entire report.

Then, on May 1, 2020 Rep. Bobby Rush introduced the H.R.6666 TRACE Act. Between the patent and the TRACE Act, that’s just a heck of a lot of sixes. Mere synchronicity?

Bobby and 44 of his Democrat friends and one Republican from New Jersey would like a cool $100 BILLION dollar grant program for local organizations to hire, train, and pay individuals to run mobile testing units and conduct door-to-door outreach, as well as monitor and quarantine.

And that fast, just 13 days after the TRACE Act was introduced, Nancy Pelosi snuck it into her new 1,815-page draft for a $3 trillion coronavirus package, requesting $75 billion for “Covid-19 testing, tracing and isolation efforts.” Once again, this package is another wish list that also aims to prohibit voter id requirements to obtain a ballot. It will likely be rewritten several times before anything is hashed out, but people need to stay on top of sounding the alarm bell when it comes to them sneaking the TRACE Act into this next package.

much more…

PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance |

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