a time when humor was actually funny

A liberal-leaning friend chastised me recently for something I said on spacebook. I joked in passing (in the comments of one of my own posts) that I had had a friend in the early 1990’s who had made a real nuisance of himself, calling every night and talking at length about how bad his life …

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Making Oneself a Disagreeable Companion

RULES, by the Observation of which a Man of Wit and Learning may nonetheless make himself a disagreeable Companion. Your Business is to shine, therefore you must by all means prevent the shining of others, for their Brightness may make yours the less distinguished. To this End: If possible engross the whole Discourse; and when other Matter fails, talk much …

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Satyagraha is a Sanskrit word that was coined by Mahatma Gandhi. It translates loosely as “insistence on truth,” “loyalty to truth,” or simply “Truth-force.” (satya “truth”; agraha “insistence” or “holding firmly to”). The theory of satyagraha is timeless, and sees means and ends as inseparable. The means used to obtain an end are wrapped up …

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